The Top 20 Flowering Succulents and Cacti That Are Popular in 2024

Flowering succulents and cactus plant identification are best to be done with the help of succulent flowers pictures.

Many succulents blossom tremendously indoors and outdoors. Succulents on this list are relatively easy to care for and will blossom naturally provided that proper care is supplied.

What Kinds of succulents produce blossoms? Do all succulent flowering plants bloom indoors or outdoor?

While not all succulents flower in development, many of them do. Given the correct condition and care, a few flowering succulents and cactus will bloom come what may each year.

Flowering succulents and cactus plants hail from sunny and arid conditions. Think about developing your plants out during the summer seasons or putting up some developed lights for splendor.

The extra light and the introduction to isolate ‘summer’ and ‘winter’ conditions can be exactly what your flowering succulents and cactus need for blooming to continue.

Succulents plants are grown for the structure of their water-putting away stems, leaves, or roots, which give enduring interest. Flowers are a great reward, yet regularly succulents are timid to bloom, particularly if they are indoor compartment plants.

Succulents have been grown for roots that provide enduring interest, or the construction of the water-putting away stalks, and leaves. Flowers are a terrific reward, yet succulents are timid if they are compartment plants to bloom.

20 Popular Flowering Succulents and Cactus to Grow Indoor/Outdoor

Succulents and cacti are not just about gleaming fat foliage, thorns, and surfaces. There are types of flowering succulents and cactus that bloom.

NOTES: US Department of Agriculture zones 9 to 11 are regions with the least temperatures at 25 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (- 3 to 4 C.). That implies a freeze is uncommon and daytime temperatures are warm even in winter.

Zones 9 to 11 in the United States include such regions as Texas, California, Louisiana, Florida, and other southern regions of the states.

1. Prickly Pear Succulent (Opuntia)

Prickly Pear Succulent

This is a succulent known to develop well in warm, dry atmospheres. It is regularly found in zones nine through 11, yet a few assortments can be found in a more extensive spread. They develop best in full sun and all around depleted soil.

A few assortments of Prickly pear cacti plants produce bright natural products. Being nutritious, Opuntia desert flora is additionally refreshing for the blooming succulents they produce.

If you need to grow your flowering succulent outside, there’s the freezing tough Opuntia Grandiflora, and for the hardcore blossom enthusiasts, there’s the fantastic Opuntia basilaris.

2. Carrion Cactus (Stapelia grandiflora)

Starfish Cactus

Also called a starfish blossom, this is a cactus that has enormous five-point sprouts. The succulent flowers themselves may look decent, however, it doesn’t smell such lovely.

Generally, the succulent with red flowers in shading, yet they can be to a greater degree an earthy colored on certain plants.

This is a succulent plant that grows best in well-drained soil, and unlike most succulents which will like to have damp soil to grow.

3. Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii)

Crown of Thorns

Seen regularly in zones nine through 11.

This is a stunning plant that produces succulent red flowers from late winter until pre-fall. It wants to develop in temperatures that are somewhere in the range of 60 and 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is a flowering succulent that will do best with a great deal of circuitous daylight. It requires very less water to develop. Make sure the top of the soil is completely dry before you water it next time

4. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

Jade Plant, flowering succulents

This is a tropical flowering succulent that produces white, purple, and pink flowers.

Its succulent can have a growth of 4 to 6 feet in height. It is a dry season open-minded plant that doesn’t require a great deal of water, yet it needs to have full sun to truly flourish.

This beautiful plant has another feature to be able to change the color of its blue-green foliage to either maroon or burgundy.

5. Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Kalanchoe, flowering succulents

This is additionally another plant that you will discover in zones 10 and 11. The leaves of this flowering succulent are fairly beautiful, and it requires negligible consideration to develop.

The plant develops best with a blend that is somewhat more peat greenery than perlite.

Try not to permit the plant to sit in the water since this can just cause issues for the plant.

On the off chance that you have pets, this is a flowering succulent that might be hazardous to develop around them.

6. Moon Cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii)

Moon Cactus, flowering succulents

This is a succulent with pink flower, orange, and yellow blossoms that it produces. This type of cactus doesn’t require a lot of water.

You will consistently need to be cautious when you are giving the plant a beverage with the goal that it doesn’t turn out to be excessively soaked and saturated.

Moon Cactus is very extraordinary. These succulent flowering are regularly a solitary tail with a splendid bulb on the highest point of their head.

7. Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum)

Queen of Night Orchid Cactus, flowering succulents

Orchid cactus is a flowering succulent plant that can develop from five to 10 crawls across without any problem. This is a plant that doesn’t bloom very frequently; in fact, it blooms only through the night and just a few times a year

You will see this is a plant that won’t make sprouts during the initial two years of development.

Normally, this is a plant that will deliver blossoms all alone, however, give them all the more light, potassium manure, and keep the plant in a similar area to develop.

8. Aloe (Aloe vera)

Aloe is a flowering succulent that is incredible to grow in homes for its medical benefits. The juice inside the leaves is having anti-inflammatory agents for burns and cuts.

Furthermore, this can be an exceptionally succulent plant that can without much of a stretch develop in circuitous light.

It is a plant that won’t need to water a ton, so to ensure that your plant doesn’t sit in water, you should just give the plant new water at regular intervals.

9. Peanut Cactus (Echinopsis chamaecereus)

Peanut Cactus

A peanut cactus is a succulent plant with flowers of orange blossom that will show up throughout the spring of the year.

This cactus has generally facile roots and a body stem that just looks like peanuts.

They can without much of a stretch develop to be six inches tall, yet they will, in general, develop out rather than up, and they can develop to be up to 12 inches wide.

They grow best in direct sunlight but in some hotter areas, it’s better to keep them a little in shade.

10. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)

Christmas Cactus

A Christmas Cactus is a tropical plant that can deal with warmth. It grows best in a temperature range of 65F to 75 F.

It will develop in moderate daylight, and it inclines toward a touch of stickiness to flourish.

This is a plant that will develop well in sandy soil.

It is a colorful flowering succulent that can be seen around the special seasons.

If you are experiencing difficulty in getting the plant to flower, apply some more daylight.

11. Blushing Beauty (Aeoniums)

Aeonium ‘Blushing Beauty’ is a cross between two distinctive aeoniums.

Leave’s color can turn from lime green to burgundy depending upon the changes in light and temperature. The plant spreads by stretching out and delivering balances.

Like most aeoniums, the blossoms come in the center of the rosette and make a lengthy blossom stem.

These plants are generally succulents with yellow flowers or pink in shading and can be very showy. And, once the plant produces blossoms, the mother plant dies.

12. Black Rose (Aeonium arboreum)

Black Rose

Black Rose has profound succulence with purple flowers, practically dark foliage.

The rosettes form like a bloom head. The plant stretches out from the rosette to frame balances or infant plants. The blossom tail juts out of the focal point of the bloom head to shape one long bloom tail.

When the blossom tail begins to come out, there is nothing you can do to stop it so you should appreciate nature’s procedure.

13. Monocarpic succulent

Monocarpic plants will be plants that pass on in the wake of blossoming. This is the reason why monocarpic succulents are also known as flowering plants of death or blossom of death.

There are a couple of monocarpic blooming succulents. The most widely recognized monocarpic types are aeoniums and sempervivums.

Most aeoniums and sempervivums are monocarpic plants and produce flashy, stupendous blossoms.

The blossom tail projects out of the focal point of the plant’s rosette until the entire plant change into one long bloom tail.

The blossoms are energetic and difficult to miss. They remain in blossom for a considerable length of time and even months.

14. Pink Ice Plant (Oscularia Deltoides)

Pink Ice Plant

The Pink Ice plant is originally from the southern part of Africa notably from South Africa and Namibia.  This has blue-green triangular leaves with ragged edges. It produces pink flower leaves, that are tinged with ruddy edges.

This plant will in the general spread and spread out. It blossoms openly when experienced and delivers truly magenta-pink blossoms that can cover the whole plant when in sprout.

15. Ghost Plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense)

flowering succulents

Graptopetalum paraguayense ‘Ghost Plant’ is a dazzling plant with sensitive shades of pastel. This ash color succulent has thick leaves with pointed ends.

The rosettes are complicatedly molded by the example of the leaves. What makes this plant progressively astounding is it’s star-formed blossoms and ash-like leaves color.

These are succulent with white flowers and light yellow in shading.

16. Jelly Bean Plant (Sedum rubrotinctum)

This is originally from Mexico, Sedum Rubrotinctum ‘Jelly Bean Plant’, has little, full, bean-formed leaves that are green in shading. The tips turn a dark red when focused or presented to more sun or cold weather.

The stems are flimsy and spread out as they develop. It produces star-shaped yellow flowers.

17. Mexican Snowball (Echeveria Elegans)

Mexican flowering succulents

Local to Mexico, this pretty echeveria has dim green leaves with pink-ruddy edges.

The succulent pink flower shading turns out to be progressively articulated when the plant is ‘focused’ or presented to extraordinary temperatures and dry season.

It produces delightful, splendid pink-coral ringer-formed blossoms that stay in sprout for a considerable length of time or even months.

18. String of Buttons (Crassula perforata)

String of Buttons

This string of button succulents is native to South Africa. They spread and the leaves seem to stack on one another in a befuddle design.

The leaves are somewhat blue-green in shading with blushing pink edges on the edges. They produce groups of little white and yellow blossoms.

19. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

String of Pearls

Senecio rowleyanus ‘String of Pearls’ is one of the most coveted succulent plants out there. With full, green pea-formed leaves that can broaden perpetually.

These are perfect hanging flowering succulents. They produce white, fluffy blossoms that have a sweet cinnamon-spiced fragrance.

20. Purple Ice Plant (Lampranthus productus)

Purple Ice Plant, flowering succulents

Notable for its needle-like leaves as well as known for purple flowering succulents throughout the entire summer and fall.

Developing around 3-4 inches tall, it spreads rapidly. A brilliant decision for a ground spread! Pick all around depleted dry soil and radiant spot to develop it.

Should I cut the succulent plants flowers?

Except if you need to utilize some flowering succulents yield for cooking and fascinating plans, you have no motivation to cut the flowers. Most succulent blossoms remain in sprout for quite a long time.

It relies upon their assortment, obviously, yet it can take a long time for a portion of the blossoms to close and fall. The best practice is to remove the blossom that follows once the plant quits sprouting.

How many times do flowering succulents bloom?

On account of monocarpic succulents, they blossom just a single time in the course of their life. It is an indication that the mother plant arrived at its life expectancy and is going to pass on.

In any case, most blooming succulents flower commonly all through their life expectancy, as it is a characteristic stage in their developing cycle.

For example, Kalanchoe and Echeveria are occasional shorts, sitting tight for the pre-fall late-winter season to put on an act for you.

Numerous succulents need higher temperatures in summer to set their blooming science. Utilize a compost higher in phosphorus, for example, 10-15-10, to advance flowering succulents’ development.

Also, a great deal of immediate and artificial light that can be hard to copy inside may help your plant in sprouting.

Check out here how to care for succulents.

How to water flowering succulents and cactus?

Succulents need water to shape bloom buds and produce new development. If they don’t get it, they drain the stores of water in their tissues then they have to endure dry spells, they live, yet don’t flourish.

During development periods, water plants completely until water come out of the pot’s seepage gaps, yet don’t water again until the top inch of soil is dry.

Most succulents experience lethargy for part of the year, as a rule of thumb plant either in winter for desert plants or summer for plants like living stones, and this rest period expects to make way for blossoming.

Keep the plant drier during torpidity. All indoor flowering succulents and cactus need a very well-draining potting blend.

Blooming Succulent Plant Care

Proceed in the right manner to get the most excellent, long-lasting blossom. Peruse on for tips to help with caring about flowering succulents.

  • Succulent and cacti blossoms love daylight, so the more you can step by step provide, it will make the bloom sprout all the more rapidly.
  • Be careful when temperatures are in the high 80’s and 90’s, however, as some succulent plants can’t take very high warmth.
  • If you develop your plants inside, locate the most splendid, sunniest window, and adapt them there.
  • Flowering succulent care includes additional water and treatment. Soak the sprouting succulent plant when you water. Water again when the main two inches (5 cm.) of soil is dry. Proceed with this watering plan until the sprouts blur.
  • Rather than fertilizing once a season, step up your treatment to a month to month. Utilize a high phosphorus compost.
  • If you need to endeavor to develop more plants through seed, gather fading blossoms and spot in a little paper sack. After blossoms evaporate, you will discover little seeds.