Top 15 Low Light Succulents and Cacti That Require No Maintenance in 2025

Low-light succulents develop well when they are washed with splendid light for around at least six hours. In any case, when presented to coordinate daylight, their leaves consume and shrivel.

Low light succulents are air-purging, and that is the thing that you need in your room consistently – pure air. There are various sorts of low light indoor succulent plants which you can promptly use for home/room decor.

Developing low light plants in the home is craftsmanship, in which just the extremely inventive can excel in. It is living art when you decide to utilize living things. For example, plants, increase the great look of your room.

15 Best low light Succulents and Cacti

1. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is another low light indoor succulent that is of acceptable decision. It is notable to carry favorable luck to the individuals who develop it. They require to be washed with acceptable light during the day.

The dirt where it developed ought to likewise be of acceptable flow with the goal that the plant doesn’t pass on because of abundant water. Jade plants whenever developed outside, can develop to the size of a little tree or shrub.

The low light indoor succulents develop reasonably, and gradually and can require a long time to turn out to be unreasonably enormous for a pot or compartment.

It is a shade succulent, appropriate for your office, room, or even a living space, to bring great mood and bunches of karma.

2. Aloe vera (Medicinal aloe)


Aloe vera is otherwise called Aloe Barbadensis or medicinal Aloe. This is really an ordinary and perfect in-door succulent flourishing and reproduces instantly in a snug indoor atmosphere.

Aloe Vera is one of the uncommon low light succulents that convey its numerous advantages since it has an assortment of employments.

It is the best houseplant for low light that has healing properties and a gooey gel-like sap which can apply topically calm consumers.

Their leaves can likewise eat to help in stomach-related capacities, improve hydration, and support the immune framework.

You just need to evacuate the spines, at that point mix them in a smoothie for utilization. Their tall barbed leaves make them excellent for adornment.

3. Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata is the classic house plant regularly known as Snake Plant. It is the best and sure wager for indoor succulents requiring low support.

Different cycles of Sansevieria trifasciata have spear-like dark green leaves either strongly shaded or variegated with shimmering markings and yellow edging. It very well may be left for quite a long time without a drop of water.

Contingent on the variation, leaves might be a couple of inches high or as tall as a foot high. It likewise flourishes in territories of medium or low light, along these lines ideal for darker spaces of your room.

You likewise need to live in a situation of pure and fresh air, and the snake plant is the best purifier, to the extent that succulents are concerned. It expels such a significant number of synthetic concoctions from the air when contrasted with different succulents.

4. Ponytail plant (Beaucarnea recurvate)

Ponytail plant

Ponytail palm is most likely delegated a palm however it is really succulent. This plant is a succulent that stores its water in its thick trunk. This plant flourishes in full sun, yet it additionally does very well in a low-light/halfway shade setting.

It is the best houseplant for low light. Water is put away in its swollen stem base and it looks particularly like an elephant’s foot. That is most likely why it’s classified as “Elephant Foot Palm.”

See for Elephant Bush succulent here.

It flourishes well in spots where it is radiant, yet it ought to develop in a space where it gets brilliant circuitous daylight for extended periods of time.

5. Panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

Panda plant

Another succulent that can grow in low light is known as the panda plant because its leaves are smooth delicate. It is known for its brilliant hair and gorgeous blossoms, which make an ideal enrichment, to supplement indoor spaces.

These succulents don’t need sunlight to develop. You may additionally put them for a bunch of extended stretches of daytime. You may water them once in a while, letting them dry out between the watering time spells.

During the developing season, this full shade succulents plant ought to be in a perfect world taken care of once in a month for it to breed. Pivot the plant all through a lower light setting at a three-month interim without hurting the plant.

6. Claw Cactus (Schlumbergera)

Claw Cactus

Schlumbergera is an epiphytic desert plant arriving in various varieties. These plants are promptly accessible in markets, retail chains, and nurseries during the season when they normally bloom.

These indoor shade succulents plants are flowering succulents as they develop in a fragmented manner and produce splendid pink, orange or red blossoms during the developing season.

These marginally sagging, divided plants put their best self forward when they are in bloom. Not Having Lighting is Basically what triggers them to Blossom when the days begin to get shorter in the Crop season.

Therefore, for a fruitful blossom, the claw desert plants will require a dry season not long before that – don’t water them during August.

7. Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera)

Mistletoe cactus

Rhipsalis is another rainforest epiphyte with constrained requirements for lighting. They do best in rooms confronting East, since they appreciate some morning sun, and afterward shade in the evening.

These plants would make an attractive expansion to your low-light cactus assortment since it is so refreshing. Mistletoe cactus has long, barrel-shaped stems shrouded in little branches.

From the start, the stems will develop straight, yet they will begin spreading later. They can develop to be truly long and can deliver amazing bunches of white roses.

This low light cactus can fluently be set up in a hanging crate. Also, its affection for humidity makes it a decent contender for restroom decors.

8. Zebra Cactus (Haworthia margaritifera)

best low light succulent

The adjustment to indirect light is the thing that settles on Haworthia such a decent decision for inside as these succulents grow in artificial light.

After all, for its best outcome, it would be outstanding in the event the plant can get colorful or even direct daylight throughout a particular time of the daytime.

Much like Many succulents, Over-watering is the Most Important foe of Haworthia. Be cautious with watering, particularly in a blend with lower light conditions.

Hawortias are a huge class of appealing little succulents local to South Africa. In their characteristic living space, the majority of them develop under bushes, which implies they are adjusted to shade and fractional shade.

9. Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)

Sedum morganianum is another low light succulent with long, hanging stems. This flowering succulent was created substantially brighter with its own unordinary oval leaves which have a calming bright green color, and also the pinkish blooms that jump outside from the midyear.

This is an incredible decision for a hanging succulent bin in a shady spot or a north-bound window.

It likewise does very much planted in a window box along the north-bound divider.

They require medium watering.

10. Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is otherwise called Flaming Katie on account of its lovely, splendid orange, durable blossoms. It is extremely tolerant of low-light succulents. It will develop and grow the best on the off chance that it is in a more splendid spot.

If you set your own Flaming Katy at a spot with excessively nominal light, you make it obvious that it’s going to get thin and long. This plant does well in a low-light indoor setting after the blossoms have sprouted.

After sprouting, you should reduce the blossoms and move them into a splendid light setting or in a perfect world move into a changeless outside setting.

11. Wax Plant (Hoya obovata)

Wax Plant

Hoya obovata is one of the moderately quickly developing and strong succulents, with dull green, waxy, thick, round leaves including modest discrete dots.

Besides, hoyas like to be in splendid spots, however, Hoya obovata is hardier than normal, and its flexibility incorporates being tolerant to direct light. Wax plant is the type of succulent that doesn’t need sun.

Like numerous succulents, the greatest enemy of hoya plants is overwatering. Considering their leaves are very thick, have been capable to save a ton of water, therefore ensure they’re coming up short on it before calling them a bit more.

12. Common Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum)

Sempervivum is a plant that is practically difficult to kill. The variety with around 40 species is exceptionally well known in gardens and in indoor succulent holder arrangements. It develops well outside, however, it can likewise develop inside.

Nevertheless, much like any different succulent, probably the best way to kill Sempervivum is by overwatering it.

Sempervivum has various restorative properties and it has been utilized in people’s medication to treat an immense scope of arrangements, from ear contaminations to moles.

13. Gasteria

The Gasteria plant is somewhat like Aloe and Haworthia, however, it is a shorter, plumper, and increasingly minimal adaptation. Its leaves are dark green with raised, white knocks in the focus of the leaves.

Besides, the edges of the plant’s round leaves are likewise embellished with raised, white, uneven markings. These plants are extremely moderately developing and remain very little. They make a decent beautification in little alcoves and corners.

14. Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

Zanzibar Gem

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia is also called Zanzibar Gem or just as ZZ Plant. This plant is a rhizomatous lasting equipped for doing very well as the best houseplant for low-light circumstances.

You should make sure to water it every now and again on the grounds that these succulents store their water in the rhizomes.

The plant is very rough, yet it needs great consideration to thrive. They have weathered, sparkling leaves. The base of the stems might be somewhat swollen with put-away water.

15. Pearl Plant (Tulista pumila)

Pearl Plant

This plant is a relative of the Aloe vera plant and looks very comparative.

All the Haworthias are low-developing plants and many game loads of pearl-like white knocks making a differentiation to its dim, green leaves.

The plant becomes rounded, greenish-white blossoms on a tall bloom stalk in the mid-year. This hanging succulent is of simple development and moderately low upkeep, which makes them a decent low light houseplant.

Tips for taking care of succulent plants

As much light as possible

At the point when succulents are inside, it’s regularly difficult for them to get enough daylight. Outside they need around 6 hours of splendid, indirect sunlight every day.

But indoors, you are going to place your succulents near a window that gets light through the entire afternoon. If that is simply not an alternative solution, put your succulents near the cleverest window or smartest place in one’s house or workplace.

Watering succulents

watering succulents

The most serious issue fresh succulent cultivators face using keeping their succulents living inside is now watering. Shade succulents like to own their own origins doused with water however dry up rapidly. Water again after the dirt has been dry for a number of days.

Do your best not to water indoor succulents every day. That is the easiest solution to slaughter them.

Avoid glass jars

Glass jars generally aren’t an incredible long-term preparing home for low-light succulents. They don’t care to be sitting in spongy soil, so a glass container that doesn’t have any place for water to deplete out, won’t satisfy your succulents.

Another drawback to glass holders is the absence of breathability. Low light succulents need a great wind stream to keep up sound roots and in this manner solid stems and leaves.

Bugs in low light succulents

bugs in succulents

Bugs in low-light succulents houseplants are generally not a problem. A typical bug new producers experience is gnats. Generally, you’ll possibly get gnats if your dirt remains excessively wet.

Gnats are generally avoidable by utilizing a well-depleting soil blend and allowing your dirt to dry out between watering.


Mostly dwelling temperatures are adequate for indoor air succulents: they survive both summertime along with the general warmth of chilly without any grievance. Nor are they troubled by the heating system.

Many desert plants along with agaves, nevertheless, incline towards a virus with normally spread watering, in temperatures someplace at the scope of 40˚ Fahrenheit and 50˚ Fahrenheit.


fertilizer to succulents

Fertilize infrequently, in close to 1/8 of their prescribed rate, and just from March to October.

Succulents aren’t fussy. In reality, regardless of whether you ever apply fertilizer to succulents, they’ll despite everything become well overall.

Read more about how to take care of succulents and cacti here.

Guide to planting a succulent

Step 1: 

Planting succulents indoors isn’t done entirely differently from different plants in pots. Ensure pots have waste gaps or plan to lay them on their sides after watering to permit excess water to deplete.

Step 2: 

At the point when first planting succulents in quite a while, pick an all-around depleted fertilized soil, for example, an instant desert flora blend.

However, for a great succulent preparing blend that won’t remain excessively wet, include additional pumice, sharp sand, coarseness, or perlite to help drainage without wasting time.

Step 3: 

At the point when first figuring out how to pot succulents, you will see how shallow and fragile their foundations are.

Tenderly lose other soil, and filter new soil around the roots, utilizing your fingers to pack it softly as you go.

Spread the surface with sand or rock, and permit the plants to dry a couple of days before watering.

Difference between Succulents and cactus

cactus are succulents

There seems to be somewhat of an error inside the plant world about whether or not cacti are succulents. A few horticulturists state that they are a different class of plants, yet the vast majority of who nursery believe them to be.

At last, cactus plants do fit the needs of a succulent. They don’t require a lot of water. Cactus have thick green stems rather than leaves however they have an exceptional framework for utilizing what little water they get proficiently

Some of them additionally bloom, which makes them well known among plant fans who would prefer not to have plants that require a great deal of upkeep.

Are succulents poisonous?

are succulents safe for pets

Most succulents are not harmful; there are numerous useful and clinical uses for succulents. By way of instance, Aloe has sap in the leaves known for assisting with consumes and has useful to earn beauty products.

Individuals can once in a while have sensitivities to plants, including succulents. Individuals who create allergies to latex ought to be especially mindful of succulents that produce sap. More than likely any individual who has a sensitivity will have a skin response like a rash.

There are some succulents known to be toxic for pets and children.

The larger danger to pets might be a section of the succulents that have huge, pointed, and hardened stalks which could represent an increasingly bodily injury. But, largely, succulents are safe for pets and kids.