15 Simple Tips for Caring for Succulents and Cacti in 2025

Succulents are plants using beefy, thickened leaves and also bloated stems that store water. Take care of succulents because they may get by on water resources. For instance, dew and fog, which make them tolerant of this dry season.

There is a broad assortment of succulents traversing several plant families, and also fantastic many people partner succulents with Cactaceae, the desert flora family. It is necessary to learn to take care of succulents and the way to keep your plants healthy and happy.

Have you heard that succulents are the least demanding plants to think about?

The Succulent Source is here to show you how to care for succulents. In spite of the fact that you don’t need to be an expert nursery worker to taking care of your succulents.

Keep away from any further planting losses by jumping into our quick, yet complete manual for succulent consideration.

It is Advocated by famous writer and London garden designers Caro Langton and Rose Ray within their new publication book  House of Plants: Living with Succulents, Air Plants, and Cacti

How to care for succulents indoors?

how to care for succulents

1. Ensure Your Succulents Get Enough Light

Indoor succulents need at least 6 hours of sunlight every day, depending upon the types of succulents. If no sunlight is available, at least that can be settled with an artificial light source.

Recently planted succulents inside can singe in direct daylight, so you may need to continuously familiarize them with full sun presentation or furnish conceal with a sheer curtain.

2. Pivot Succulents Frequently

Indoor succulents love the direct sun, yet on the off chance that yours is sitting in the equivalent accurate spot for a long time, all things considered, just one side is getting enough light. It is recommended by Langton and Ray to keep turning the plant regularly.

Indoor succulents will lean towards the sun, so assist them with standing upright temporarily using a stick or thread.

3. Water According to the Season

Much the same as individuals, succulents need more vitality when they’re in some time of evolution.

Throughout the summer and spring, the plants are more drinking and booming up considerably more water compared to if they are resting in the autumn and winter. This describes how to water and look after succulents.

Langton and Ray advocate analyzing the dirt with a finger–when the upper 1.25 inches are dry, catch your watering can. Overwatering may slaughter your succulents, so ensure you enable the dirt to dry between waterings.

4. Water the Soil Directly

At this time when you water the succulents, drench the dirt before water comes up short on the waist openings. Do not utilize a dab jug to water your succulents–moistening could cause weak roots and leaves that are rotten.

You can likewise place baskets in a bowl of water and invite the water to sustain through the seepage gap. Once the maximum purpose of this dirt is moist, discharge out of the dish.

5. Keep Succulents Clean

Your indoor plants will progressively get dust onto their surface, which can repress their own development. That is one of the basic needs of the way to take care of succulents.

Wipe off the leaves and spines delicately with a clammy material (utilize a delicate paintbrush to get at hard-to-arrive at spots).

6. Pick a Container with Drainage

Best Indoor succulents don’t care to sit in waterlogged soil, so seepage is critical to forestall spoil. Your compartment ought to have a seepage opening to permit overabundance water to get away. Earthenware pots are perfect to care for succulents in pots indoors.

7. Plant Succulents in the Right Soil

Succulents need soil that channels, so standard gardening soil—or earth from your yard—won’t do. Pick desert plant soil or blend gardening soil with sand, pumice, or perlite.

This soil is the best soil for succulents. Succulent roots are extremely delicate so be delicate while repotting.

8. Dispose of Bugs

Irritations shouldn’t be an issue for taking care of the indoor succulents, yet at times you may need to manage bugs.

Gnats pulled into succulents planted in soil that is excessively wet and doesn’t have appropriate waste.
To dispose of eggs and hatchlings, shower the dirt with 70% isopropyl liquor.

Mealybugs are another bug succulent proprietors need to manage. Take care of succulents overwatering and over-fertilizing are regular reasons for mealybugs. Move your contaminated succulent plants from different succulents and shower with 70% isopropyl liquor.

9. Treat Succulents in the Summer

Succulents maintenance needn’t bother with a lot of manure, yet you can give them light feedings throughout the spring and summer developing season.

Be mindful so as not to overfertilize—this can make your succulent develop too rapidly and get powerless.

How to take care of succulents outdoors?

how to care for succulents outdoors


Succulents require care very seriously in terms of temperature. Numerous well-known succulents will endure mellow freezes, even adolescents and lower, including certain Aloes and Senecios can easily survive being left outside in USDA Zone 4 or 5, which can find a good pace.

Keeping holder plants near structures will help shield marginal species from cold injury. Some incredibly cool tolerant high succulents, including London Pride saxifrage, will just liquefy in warm atmospheres.

So, maintaining the right temperature for succulents is one of the basic needs to care for succulents.


Outdoor succulents do best in sun; many will get leggy and frail without in any event six hours of sun day by day, and many get increasingly bright and blossom better in at least eight hours of direct sun.

Plants with brilliant foliage will, in general, take more exceptional sun than green or variegated assortments.

However, some will blur, spot, or even consume in the extreme warmth of the full sun, particularly in sticky atmospheres.

One should know how to care for succulents when temperatures stay above 90F or somewhere in the vicinity; these should be concealed from early afternoon and evening sun by structures, grid, arbors, conceal fabric, or trees with light, fine-finished foliage.


Outdoor Succulents can endure dry conditions for quite a while, yet generally, develop and bloom better with ordinary watering during the dynamic developing season. Take care of succulents as most succulents will require watering somewhere around at regular intervals, frequently more in extremely sweltering zones.

All things considered, a lot of water is worse than excessively little, so most cultivators keep outside succulents on the dry side during blustery climate, particularly in winter, diminish spoil and assist them with enduring lower temperatures. This may mean covering them from rain or keeping them in pots to be moved under a defensive protective rooftop.

How to take care of baby succulents?

how to care for succulents

Don’t overwater

They will bite the dust! Water just when the dirt is dry. If it takes 2 weeks for the dirt to dry, at that point water the plant in about fourteen days. On the off chance that it takes 2 days for the dirt to dry, at that point, you can water in 2 days.

Succulents ought to water liberally in the mid-year as portrayed above, But soil ought to be permitted to dry between watering. A  mini succulent ought to never be permitted to sit in water.

Deal with under watering

Baby Succulents care to incline toward liberal water during the developing season (spring and summer). Take care of succulents watering durations as an under-watered plant will initially quit developing, at that point start to shed leaves. A great beverage will fill them up.

Try not to utilize a shower container to splash your succulents

It does them nothing more than a bad memory and just motivations parasitic and decay issues. Succulents and desert flora don’t care for or need clammy and muggy conditions. Baby Succulents are not houseplants or blossoms that need steady water.


In a perfect world, how to care for succulents temperature lean toward daytime temperatures among 70ºF and about 85ºF and evening temperatures somewhere in the range of 50ºF and 55ºF.

As in the desert, where there is frequently a checked complexity among night and day, succulents flourish in colder evenings, down to even 40ºF.

Lighting conditions

On the off chance that in a home, Baby Indoor Succulents favor brilliant light, for example, on a south-bound window.

Watch the leaves for signs that the light level is right. A few animal varieties will burn if unexpectedly presented to coordinate sunlight.

The arrangement is to give better light and prune the plant back to its unique shape. Numerous sorts of succulents will flourish outside in the late spring.

Feeding the succulents

Throughout the mid-year developing season, take care of succulents cautiously as you would with different houseplants. However, you can harm or obliterate your succulents by taking care of them inappropriately. Quit preparing completely throughout the winter.

How to take care of succulents during fall and winter?

how to care for succulents during winter

Fertilize Your Succulents Once

Feed the succulents one final time toward the finish of summer. That is because succulents needn’t bother with compost throughout the winter months. We should take care of succulents as they need weakened manure just while they are effectively developing.

Quit taking care of when the plants quit developing for the year and go lethargic, which happens when the temperatures drop and the light level falls. A lot of compost makes succulents grow delicate leaves, which are inclined to decay. This is how to care for succulents in fall and winter.

Keep Them Warm and Bright

Spot a heavy succulent in a zone within any event three to four hours of brilliant light. Succulents need less light throughout the winter than when they are effectively developing throughout the late spring. Succulents can get by with unusual light throughout the winter.

Outrageous temperature changes can hurt succulents, so take care for succulents and acquire them before winter temperatures plunge beneath freezing. Keep the temperature of the succulents rooms in no cooler than 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the winters.

Water Your Succulents Infrequently

Succulents  maintenance get their name from the way that they store water in their leaves, roots, and stems, in this manner requiring considerably less dampness than different kinds of plants.

Taking care of succulents over-watering them can prompt root spoil. To water your succulent, empty water into the highest point of the succulent holder until it depletes out the base.

Water the succulents profoundly however less regularly in the winter.

The lethargic plants don’t use as a lot of water as when they are effectively developing. Water the plants about once every one to two months or when you notice them looking saggy or leaves create spaces. This is the way how to water succulents.

Check Them Regularly for Pests

Take care of your succulents more often and check the leaves consistently for aphids or mealybugs, which appear as though little cotton balls. Look under the leaves too. Move an invaded succulent away from different plants.

Get the succulent far from the remainder of the plants for a little while just on the off chance that a couple of the bugs endure the principal splash. Repeat the scouring liquor application until all the problems are no more.

Types of succulents

Following are a few well-known types of succulents.

  • Spikey
  • Epiphytes
  • Desert plants
  • Cacti
  • Echeveria
  • Rosettes
  • Trailing

How to keep your succulents alive?

take care of succulents

Mark these points to keep your succulents alive for a long time:

  1. Give them breathing room
  2. Give some shade
  3. Start with the correct soil
  4. Don’t overwater them
  5. Incorporate waste
  6. Develops in low-supplement conditions
  7. Reconsider propagation
  8. Be careful with ice

How to Water Succulents Indoor or Outdoor Succulents

As opposed to giving your succulents tastes of water to a great extent, give them a decent splashing, to the point the water runs out the waste gaps at the base of the pot.

Make certain to exhaust the water that runs into the saucer underneath the plant pot. At that point let the dirt dry out totally before watering once more. Path prescribes checking the dirt seven days in the wake of watering; if it’s as yet soggy, hold up one more week.

Succulents need more water in the late winter when the plant is developing. Water needs may decrease in the mid-year and significantly more so throughout the winter.

Water your succulents during winter when the dirt is dry. This could be as rarely as once every month except will rely upon your conditions.

The recurrence of watering will likewise rely upon the light and developing conditions in your general vicinity, just as the size of the holder. The bigger the compartment, the more dampness it can hold.

Outdoor Containers

how to water succulents

Summer is a decent time to move pruned succulents outside. Although, they love the sun, allow them to adapt to outdoor plant conditions by putting them in a halfway concealed region before moving to a sunnier area.

Keep them out of extraordinary daylight from late morning to mid-afternoon. Outdoor succulents need more water than indoor plants. Once more, your conditions will direct how frequently succulents will require water.

Start by keeping an eye on a week-by-week premise, focusing on the state of the preparing media and whether it’s very dry or sodden. Taking care of succulents developed in shallow compartments may require water at regular intervals.

In the Ground

how to care for succulents outdoors

Succulents, especially sedums, can likewise flourish in the ground. They may be watered week by week, contingent upon conditions.

Built-up plants will have a more grounded root framework and endure dry conditions superior to new plants.

It’s important to take care of succulents. Regardless of whether you develop tough or yearly succulents, they should be in very much depleted soil. Similarly, as with houseplants, soil conditions and water needs go connected at the hip.

Great soil, a great splashing, and great waste equivalent glad plants.

Additional Succulent Care Tips

Would you be able to utilize sand to plant succulents?

Figured it might appear as though succulents flourish in the sand out in the wild, they incline toward free, rough soil and need supplements to develop well and to take care of succulents. At the point when utilized all alone, and tends to smaller after some time, causing an excess of water maintenance in a compartment.

The best preparing vehicle for a succulent is one uncommonly planned for how to care for cactus and succulents, or a well-depleting blend of fertilized soil, coarse sand, and perlite/pumice.

Would you be able to begin succulents from seeds?

Indeed, Succulent seeds can be begun inside in light, sodden soil, yet develop all the more gradually and for the most part, don’t arrive at transplant size until a half year to a year in the wake of growing.

Seeds can be used to grow a new plant. Read More

For what reason are my succulent leaves tumbling off?

In the same way as other plants, the most minimal leaves on the stem will, in the end, shrink up and drop. This is typical and nothing to stress over.

On the off chance that the highest leaves are passing on, it could demonstrate overwatering, irritations, or malady.