Simple Steps to Begin Mushroom Farming at Home in 2025

Mushroom Farming at Home has turned a friendly word today, as many people nowadays carry Mushroom Farming in your living place.

If you are someone unfamiliar with the concept of Mushroom Farming, Here you go – It is the cultivation of Mushrooms and other fungi.

You cultivate fungi to yield food, medical purposes, to produce construction materials and other products.

Simply Mushroom Farm is in the business of growing fungi.

What Is Mushroom?

Mushroom Farming

Mushrooms are not plants, and they need different conditions for growth.

Because Mushrooms do not grow through photosynthesis or they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen like all other plants.

Rather, Mushrooms obtain all of the energy and growth components from the plant’s growth medium, through biochemical decomposition processes.

But, some fungi use light as a signal for fruiting.

How To Build A Mushroom Growing House?

You must provide a separate area or room for the mushrooms to grow that is called a Mushroom Growing House in general.

It is very easy because you can make your Mushroom Growing House with some local materials.

First, you need to take 3 to 4 different sets of glass shower screens, wire rack shelves, scrap aluminium framing, any shade cloth piece, supermarket shelving, dishwasher trays.

Then, give attention to the needs of mushrooms and make a design, finally built it.

Then, you can feast on mushrooms regularly.

These are the requirements needed to be provided in the Mushroom Growing House such as;

1. Stable Temperature

Temperature is one of the most important factors that you need to check as some mushrooms like it hot, some like it cold, but they all like it consistent.

When the mushrooms began to fruit then you need to be tricky to maintain in a home growing context.

2. High Humidity

Another important factor that the Mushrooms need is about 90% of humidity to fruit well.

3. Airflow

You need to provide a good amount of fresh air exchange called the FAE in mushroom lingo to fruit properly.

This is the extra tricky technique you can try to also keep the mushrooms humid.

4. Enough Sunlight

Mushrooms need enough sunlight to fruit properly, usually in the normal daylight hours.

So, these are some important factors you need to provide in the area you grow your mushrooms.

How To Grow Mushrooms?

Mushrooms grow well at relative humidity levels of around 95–100%, and moisture levels of 50 to 75%.

Also, it reproduces asexually which means no sexual gametes through spores that contaminate with airborne microorganisms, which will interfere with mushroom growth and prevent a healthy crop.

Actively growing mushroom or Mycelium culture is placed on sterilized grains such as millet crops and induced to grow into grains called Inoculation.

Inoculated grains are also known as spawn. While Spores are another inoculation option but are less developed and are only manipulated in laboratory conditions with a Laminar Flow Cabinet to grow microbial samples.

Mushroom Farming Training

Nowadays, you can learn anything you want maybe through any courses or even online. Same like that you can Train yourself on Mushroom Farming.

Trainers need to have a good knowledge of mushroom cultivation to train others and must be capable to teach about mushrooms,

And their Health properties and benefits, their cultivation, processing and how to run a mushroom production farm.

More specifically, trainers need to learn about the different tasks involved in the whole process of mushroom cultivation.

Further, the various types of cultivation according to the processing and transformation of cultivated mushrooms should be taught very clearly.

Several specialists, teachers and speakers can participate in the training to provide a wider approach and maintain more interest for trainees.

This Training is divided into two parts: a theoretical understanding and a practical experience where you practice mushroom cultivation.

Each of these tasks requires certain abilities and therefore can be difficult or impossible to perform easily by some people with certain disabilities.

But trainers can help the trainees to develop their strategic ways of accomplishing all tasks required in mushroom cultivation.

Moreover, Trainees who have become trainers are in the best position to teach other trainees about different ways of accomplishing the required tasks of Mushroom Farming.

Cost Of Starting A Mushroom Farm

The Cost Of Starting Mushroom Farm can differentiate widely, depending on how big the operation is at the outset. The cost of Mushroom Farming can range from $3,000 to $100,000.

In the farm industry and that is low amongst the starter crops. If your Mushroom Farming is a large scale business the cost will be high

And when your Mushroom Cultivation is a small scale business like at home then the cost will be low.

The main cost of gaining the right space is when you need a building with a concrete floor to supply adequate ventilation and temperature control.

Then, you will also need plenty of outdoor space with a concrete floor.

For an Example:

With a 600-square-foot growing space, you will need to produce 13,000 pounds of mushrooms a year.

And a pound of mushrooms is currently sold at $6-8 per pound.

Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growth

If you wish to start a good earning business then Mushroom Farming Business can be mean big profits in just a few weeks.

Also, you can start your own business by growing Oyster Mushrooms initially to gain fair profit easy.

But, you must learn and train yourself first to begin Mushroom Farming too. Now, you can start your Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Growth in just 6 easy steps.

1. Get Your Mushroom Spawn And Substrate To Grow It

The very 1st step to begin your small scale cultivation is purchasing the amount of Mushroom Spawn And the layer to grow it.

You can also produce your spawn using a sterile culture, or you can buy ready-to-inoculate spawns that are available in stores.

If you produce your own, it can be cheaper in the long run, but the start-up costs can be high. So, it is easy to buy the ready-to-inoculate spawn from the suppliers.

Another, primary tool you will need to buy is the substrate. Many growers use straw or wood chips and you can chop the straws up into little pieces.

2. Prepare The Substrate To Grow The Mushroom Mycelium

  • After you chop the straw into short pieces
  • Then wet the straw.
  • Now heat the straw in boiling water.
  • Continue to boil for about half an hour.
  • And then remove the straw.
  • Later, drain it.
  • Next, spread out the straw on a clean surface and let it cool down.

3. Prepare An Area For Mushroom Spawns To Grow

When your substrate is ready then it is time to;

  • pack plastic bags with the straw and spawn.
  • Then, Pack two or three inches of straw into the plastic bag.
  • And then lightly spread the spawn on top.
  • Repeat this process until you have almost filled the bag,
  • Finally, close the top and poke holes in the bag.

4. Incubation

This is the most important step you need to pay the most attention to.

Incubation is the process of keeping something at the right temperature and right conditions to develop it to grow like making an egg hatch.

You need to keep the growing area of Mushroom Spawns at around 78 degrees F. And make sure to places the bags on a shelving unit.

Also, Remember to stop any threats of natural light getting into the room because incubation is successful in complete darkness.

It is preferable to cover the windows and cracks also you can use a red “darkroom” light when you need to check on your bags.

Then, When you start to notice tiny pinhead mushrooms near the air holes in your bag, it is the best time to move on to the next step on ‘Fruiting’.

5. Fruiting

When your mushroom is ready to grow out it is well called ‘Fruiting’. For your fruiting stage of Mushrooms, you need a high level of humidity.

The temperature should be will about 65 to 70 degrees F which is different to the incubation room.

Also, in the stage of fruiting, you will need a lot of natural light for at least 12 hours a day.

Because the fruiting of your Mushrooms are successful in the correct amount of sunlight and that will force your mycelium into fruiting.

Then, move the bags to a cool place for a day, such as a basement or other cool place, and then move them back to the fruiting room.

Next, you have to cut away the bag which allows mushroom growth to take place.

6. Harvest

This is the final stage of your Small Scale Mushroom Farming, where you get your fully grown mushrooms.

And when it is time to harvest. Then, twist the stem off as near to the growing block. Finally, you have now harvested your mushrooms.

Problems In Small Scale Commercial Mushroom Farming

Small Scale Mushroom growing has some problems too. As you need to provide the same requirements as Large Scale Mushroom Farming.

So, this can become difficult for you to grow Mushrooms where you cannot control temperature and humidity levels.

Then, it is most important to overcome these problems by choosing an area that is well-ventilated, insulated and completely dark where the mushrooms are growing.


The best solution is to choose horse manure that has been composted for at least 10 days.

Because it will reduce ammonia levels and steam up and pasteurize to kill insects and diseases.

Mushroom Farming At Home

Mushroom Farming at Home


Today, many of the processes done in industries are easily done at home too. One such process is Mushroom Farming.

You can easily carry out Mushroom Farming At Home very easily but you have to follow some techniques and steps.

The main technique to grow mushrooms at home is, you should provide the correct growing conditions.

And then obtain mushroom spawn which is the component used to propagate mushrooms.

These are the easy step-by-step instructions you can follow to grow oyster mushrooms, portobellos, shiitakes, and more at home.

1. Purchase mushroom spawn

Mushroom Spawn is the base for growing mushrooms that you can use this spawn to move mycelium – the root structure of fungus to any substance to help growth.

Further, for you to grow mushrooms at home, you can use different substances like logs, cardboard, straw, wood chips, and others to grow.

Now, you can purchase high-quality mushroom spawn from several online sites, some gardening supply stores, or from some speciality organic living stores.

Moreover, Make sure to buy spawn rather than spores because in some retail stores they will sell spores, which are more akin to the seeds of plants and not seedlings.

When you grow mushrooms from spores, it takes more time and practice and it is best only for a seasoned mushroom grower.

2. Purify the growing substrate.

If you are growing mushrooms in straw or sawdust at home then, it will be necessary to sterilize.

It means you should make the compost free from any living microorganism of these growing mediums before inoculating with the spawn.

Because this is done to kill off any micro-organisms that could compete with the mycelium.

Process Of Sterilizing Or Purifying

  • First, you need to clean the substrate by placing it in a microwave-safe bowl and add enough water to make the straw or sawdust damp.
  • Place the bowl in the microwave and heat on high for two minutes, or until the water has boiled off as at home.
  • This kills off any microorganisms, leaving the substrate safe to receive the mushroom mycelia.
  • Further, You need to work in batches to purify all of the straw or sawdust (tiny particles of wood) according to your desire.

3. Heat The Layer To Spread The Mycelium

The mycelium in your mushroom spawn needs to be spread thoroughly before producing mushrooms.

A warm temperature is most reliable for the growth of mushrooms especially, because as it is at home.

How To Heat And Spread the Mushroom Mycelium

  • First, place a few handfuls of mushroom spawns into a shallow baking pan.
  • Then, provide them with enough space for your mushrooms to grow.
  • Mix the spawn into the substrate (layer in which living organisms are let to grow) with a clean utensil.
  • Further, lace the baking pan on a heating pad set up to 70°F (21°C) as it is the most suitable temperature to encourage growth.
  • Then, You can also try to place the pan in a warm area at your home.
  • Afterwards, Leave the mushroom set up in a dark environment, such as a cabinet, for about three weeks.
  • This will allow the mushroom mycelium to fill the substrate.

4. Keep The Mushroom Spawn Layer In A Proper Environment

After you allow the mushroom mycelium to spread then after 2 weeks, you have to check the growing mushroom spawns whether are fully colonized.

The substrate should fully be covered with some white fuzz which takes about two to four weeks.

If the substrate is colonized then, you can move the pan into an environment that is dark and cool. Most, importantly the degree of the dark and cool area should be around 55°F or 13°C.

Because a basement or underground room will usually work well in a cabinet or drawer in an unheated room will work in winter.

The Next Reaction Of The Mushroom Spawns

  • If you notice any dark green or brown spots of green or brown like on mouldy bread,
  • Then, remove it from your substrate and throw them out.
  • Cover the substrate with a handful of potting soil and spray the entire mixture with enough water to dampen it thoroughly.
  • You can also place a damp towel over the pan to prevent moisture loss if you desired.
  • Then, consider placing a low heat lamp near the pan to simulates the sunlight,
  • That can help the mushrooms orient to grow on their own to easily harvest.
  • And you should mix and keep moist and cool as the mushrooms grow.
  • Further, You need to check it periodically and spray it with water as necessary.
  • Afterwards, The mushrooms will prefer a cool environment below 70°F (21°C),
  • Finally, your mushrooms should grow fine.

5. Harvest Your Mushrooms When Fully Grown

After, you had provided the correct amount of compost and space for your mushroom to grow.

Then,  in about three weeks, you will be able to see small mushrooms appearing. You need to continue that environmental moist, cool, and dark to encourage further growth.

Process When Mushrooms Are Grown

  • When the mushroom caps separate from their stems then, you need to understand its time to harvest.
  • You can pluck the mushrooms out with your fingers,
  • But make sure you will not damage the newly developing fungi under the surface.
  • So, better to use a sharp knife to cut the mushrooms at the base of the stem.
  • Finally, It would be best to wash the mushrooms before cooking or eating.
  • And you can store harvested mushrooms in a paper bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.

There are methods you can follow to grow your mushrooms farm at home and the above-discussed scenario is the easiest.

Where Can You Purchase Mushroom Growing Kit?

When you need to grow your Mushrooms at home – now it has become a very easy and quick process through online sites, especially Amazon.

Through the Amazon Site, you can buy the Organic Mushroom Growing Kit and easily grow at your home.

In the link you can buy online; Organic Mushroom Growing Kit

About The Mushroom Kit


There is no need to worry about intoxicants that may have in your plant’s growth because the Back to the Roots Mushroom Growing Kit is completely organic

And not genetically modified so you can cook them whenever you want or add them to your favourite dishes


This organic mushroom indoor kit allows you to grow your crop all-year-round;

You just need to place the box near a window with indirect sunlight.

Then, mist twice a day, and you’ll see delicious, beautiful mushrooms growing within a week.

Moreover, in this kit is an organic plant that is based on soil infused with mushroom spawn and a booklet with instructions.


Mushrooms are one of the easiest to grow indoors.

So, all you need to do is open, spray daily with the included mister, and within 10 days you will be harvesting your mushrooms right out of the box.

Each crop produces three to four servings of mushrooms, and each box can grow up to two crops.


This Organic Mushroom Kit can be a perfect holiday gift.

Because you can buy in bit beautiful packaging so that it is ready to be given to foodie, garden-loving and eco-conscious friends and family.

This kit is also part of your Grow One Give One campaign and simply share a picture on social media.

Also, you can tag and use the campaign hashtag to donate a kit to a classroom of your choice too.


This Mushroom Kit is made in the USA and is 100% Guaranteed to grow.

And if you are not satisfied then simply message the website. Then, the suppliers will send you a Back To The Roots replacement. 

Mushroom Farming In India

Mushroom Farming is one of the most profitable agribusinesses that you can begin with at low cost and much less area. Mushroom cultivation in India is most popular and spoken worldwide.

In India, you need to grow mushrooms step by step as an alternative supply of profits for many people.

Mushroom Farming is done worldwide in the US, China, Italy and the Netherlands are the top producers of mushrooms.

And in India, Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer of mushrooms followed by Kerala and Tripura.

Different Types Of Mushroom Farming In India

3 main types of Mushrooms are being cultivated in India. They are the Button Mushroom, Straw Mushroom and Oyster Mushroom.

Paddy straw Mushrooms can be developed in temperatures ranging from 35⁰ to 40⁰C. And Button Mushrooms grow at some point in winter.

Further, Oyster Mushrooms are grown in the northern plains. All the three Mushrooms are of business significance that is grown with the help of one of a techniques strategy.

In India, these types of Mushrooms are grown on extraordinary beds called compost beds.

How To Do Mushroom Harvesting In India?

At present, Mushroom harvesting is the most profitable business idea, especially in India.

This farming is spreading all over India rapidly and mainly among the new generation farmers who want to earn more profit in less time.

The process of Mushroom Farming is the same as generally grown.

But in India, they not only use artificial compost but use natural compost too as it is a traditional country too.

1. Natural Compost

Natural Compost is the natural fertilizer that comes from nature.

Some of the natural composts are wheat straw, horse dunk, poultry manure.

And gypsum manure – soft white or grey coloured mineral that consists of hydrated calcium sulphate in sedimentary deposits and is used to make fertilizers.

So, you can use it for making compost specially for Button Mushrooms. You need to blend all the elements well and spread them well on the compost yard.

Afterwards, you have to spray water on prepared compost to wet it.

2. Synthetic Compost

The commonly used compost are man-made in organic compost.

That requires chemicals like; Urea, Gypsum, Wheat Straw, Bran, and Ammonium Nitrate or Ammonium Sulphate to produce these Synthetic Compost.

Process Of Artificial Compost 

  • In this process, first and foremost the Cultivators cut the staw about 8 to 20 cm in length.
  • Then, you should spread an equally fine layer of cut straws on the compost and spray water on it.
  • Finally, Now you have to mix all the ingredients well that are Calcium Nitrate, Urea, Gypsum and Bran mainly.

Types Of Mushrooms Grown At Home

One of the primary benefits of growing your mushroom varieties and not the wild harvest is that you can be very sure you are not getting a poisonous mushroom.

Some of the most popular Mushrooms in which you can start your Mushroom Farming At Home are as follows;

1. White Button Mushroom

White Button Mushroom

Growing White Button Mushrooms doesn’t need any special care and are best to grow indoors also in your indoor gardens.

Even they are available online to buy as they are really easy to start farming at home.

Requirements To Be Provided For White Button Mushroom

Sunlight Exposure

They don’t require an adequate amount of sunlight so you can grow easily.

Time For Growth 

White Button  Mushroom can be grown at any time of year.

But this Mushroom type prefers winter and can make a great gardening opportunity when everything outside is even cold.

2. Pearl Oyster Mushroom

Pearl Oyster Mushroom

You can start your Mushroom Farming At Home very easily with Pearl Oyster Mushrooms.

Pearl Oyster Mushrooms are scientifically called Pleurotus Ostreatus.

This species of Mushroom you can begin for a bucket or jar cultivation.

And you need to know that there are many species of Pearl Oyster  Mushrooms like;

  • Pleurotus Djamor (pink oyster),
  • Pleurotus eryngii (king oyster),
  • Pleurotus citrinopileatus (golden oyster).

However, some of these species are not suitable for Pleurotus Ostreatus, so your best choice should be the Pearl Oyster Mushrooms to start successfully.

Requirements To Be Provided For Pearl Oyster Mushroom

Appropriate Fruiting Substrates

Oyster Mushrooms mostly desire pasteurised straw or sawdust. But it will fruit very well on most farm waste products containing cellulose and lignin.

These species of Mushrooms also like hardwood logs or stumps for outdoor cultivation. And waste coffee grounds that are popular among urban growers of Oyster Mushrooms.

But you must note that they must be used while very fresh as they have a relatively high nutrient content and can be prone to contamination.


Pearl Oyster  Mushrooms are best adaptable and can tolerate a range of growing conditions.

This Mushroom type should fruit anywhere from 7–25°C (45–77°F).

Time from Inoculation To Fruiting

Another factor to consider is the time gap between Inoculation to Fruiting.

You can keep for 2 to 3 weeks for indoor cultivation that depends on ambient temperature and the inoculation rates of the substrate.

3. King Oyster Mushroom

King Oyster Mushroom

King Oysters are another type of Mushroom that you can easily grow indoors and are scientifically known as Pleurotus Rryingii.

This Mushroom can be grown in a similar way to Pearl Oyster Mushrooms. It is considered by many to be the best tasted Oyster Mushroom.

Speciality Of King Oyster Mushroom

The King Oyster Mushrooms are a meaty, full feast that can be sliced and barbecued.

They are crispy up when stir-fried, yet stay wonderfully chewy and nutty. And the amazing flavour makes them worthy and demanding.

Once you have eaten King Oyster Mushroom,  you will never forget the taste and are very easy to grow at home.

4. Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake Mushroom

Scientifically called Lentinula Edodes is one of the most expensive variety of mushroom.

Shiitake mushrooms are a great species to grow when you are starting outdoor cultivation.

This Mushroom can easily be grown even on logs in your garden even though they are a lot slower to fruit than Oyster Mushrooms.

If you inoculate a batch of logs every year or even better, every season then, you can soon have a regular supply of Shiitake Mushrooms.

Requirements To Be Provided For Shiitake Mushrooms

Proper Fruiting S0ubstrates

The best and easy layer you can provide for these Mushrooms to grow is Hardwood Logs of almost every type. They can also be grown on sawdust.


There are different strains of Shiitake Mushrooms.

But the main strain that you can use to make their fruits is between 14 and 20°C (57 and 68°F) that is wide enough for most temperature climates.

These Mushrooms can grow both colder and warmer strains.

Time Between Inoculation And Fruiting 

Considering the time gap between Inoculation and Fruiting to Shiitake Mushrooms are also important as they are important to other types.

But, Shiitake Mushrooms take a long period of  6 to 12 months or even longer on logs.

The time duration depends on the climate and inoculation rates of the log. Further, On sawdust blocks, you can get results from 7 to 10 weeks.

5. Velvet Pioppini Mushroom

Velvet Pioppini Mushroom

Another type of Mushroom to start your Mushroom Farming At Home is the Velvet Pioppini Mushroom.

They are scientifically called Agrocybe aegerita. You can grow them natively in poplar wood.

Further, this is also delicious to eat with a nutty bite and you can stir-fries and other cooking methods.

Requirements To Be Provided For Velvet Pioppini Mushroom

1. Good fruiting substrates

Hardwood sawdust is the best substrate you can use.

You can grow your Velvet Pioppini Mushrooms in Jar too and can also well on logs and stumps.

2. Climate

You must keep in mind that this Mushroom type prefers a cool climate.

Keep your  Mushroom around 13–18°C (55–64°F) and tend to fruit in the spring, after the colder months.

4. Time Gap Between Inoculation To Fruiting

This Mushroom needs a long time of  8 to 12 months for outdoor log cultivation and about 6 weeks for indoor cultivation.


  • Growing Mushrooms at home is one of the most demanding businesses today.
  • Many different types of Mushrooms are very easy to farm at home.
  • You need to have good knowledge regarding Mushroom Farming before you begin your farming at home.
  • Mushroom Farming brings much profit but for that, you need to know the tactics.

You too Start your Mushroom Farming At Home and get your delicious Food Flavour.

Don’t Be Late Any Further!