12 Secret Tips on Blooming Cactus in 2024: Potting, Watering, Sunlight Requirements

The cactus flowering plant is an amazing creature in the world of fauna living up to 200+ years. The plant has some extraordinary attributes to some a lot of water in its stems.

The roots of a cactus flowering plant do not run deep and the unique ability that they possess to imbibe this huge amount of water is because of the shallow stems only.

An interesting fact regarding the cactus flowering plant is that the plant’s stomata open only during the night in order to conserve the stored water.

The blossoms of the cactus flowering plant are exceptionally beautiful and one of the most admired around the globe for indoor gardening.

Eager to know more about flowering cacti?

Are you still wondering about how a cactus can be termed a flowering succulent plant? I know it’s tough because you hold an image of the plant as a green tubular structure with spines all around it. But it is what it is, they produce some astonishing blooms.

The cacti are just like the person who is hard on the outside just soft on the inside.

A cactus flowering plant is basically a succulent belonging to the family of Cactaceae with the extraordinary capability to bloom in fantastic colors.

Now the question is why is its flowering ability doubted? Well, that is because these superb colors bloom for a very short time, for a few days only and sometimes for only a few hours. Some of them also bloom during the nighttime only and often go unnoticed.

The flowering period is less for a cactus plant and sometimes we can see flowers only once a year. At times, due to certain odds, they do not flower for long years, but such situations are rare.

Do all the cactus plants flower?

Yes, absolutely. All type of cacti plants blooms flower provided they are mature enough to do so. The flowering also has something to do with the conditions that it gets exposed to. So, in case you have one at your home, the cactus flower plant care will be a decisive factor for its bloom.

Some of the typical types of flowering cacti do not bloom till they turn 30 years old.

You might be thinking about how to take care of cactus flower plant to make it ready for blooming. This is not a tough job and requires proper watering, fertilization, exposure to the right amount of sunlight, and many more. We will soon be discussing the required actions in detail.

When is the Blooming period for a Cactus plant?

The cactus flowering plant usually blooms during the flowering season which is similar to all other plants, that is, during the springtime which is usually in the month of April and May.

The flowers are uniquely gorgeous and magnificent in their appearance and are colorful too. The cacti plants offer flowers of several unique colors that one can keep on admiring. Let us know about the flowering seasons in detail.

Colorful Spring

Wondering what’s a colorful spring here? Well, it is the awe-striking blooms that the cactus flowering plant produces during the spring after the harsh winter. 

In winter the plants go through a dormancy period and the arrival of spring introduces a fresh heartbeat to them.

During spring, we have favorable weather with suitable temperature conditions which favor plants to bloom and so does the cacti plant.

The flowering cactus gifts us with colorful creations which makes it a spectacular floral exhibition. Easter Cactus is one of these kinds blooming in the springtime.

ice plant

Summers Blessing

To be honest, the cactus flowering plant will surely seem like a blessing to you once you have worked the entire year to take good care of your plant.

Flowers of the cacti plants do not always show up in the spring. Some of its species bloom during the summer season when there is adequate warmth in the climate.

Generally, the cactus that blooms in the summer have big outcomes, that is, the flower size is quite big and puts up a fantastic show.

The flowers, in this case, are also very bright and attractive. One such beauty is the Carnegiea gigantea which flower during the summer.

Carnegiea gigantea

Night Beauty

Now, here come the exceptional ones which bloom during the nighttime. The flowers are enormously beautiful with attractive florescent and an aroma that will make you feel the essence of having them around.

The queen of the night orchid is a fine example of a cactus with flowers blooming during the nighttime and has exceptional fragrance and color.

queen of the night orchid

Flowering Cactus for Indoor gardens

The cactus flowering plant is one of the most desired and extensively cultivated plants for indoor gardening. The plants can survive on very low maintenance but the required amount of care must be taken.

Did you know that the cactus flowering plant blooms one of the most beautiful blossoms in the entire botanical world? No need to be shocked by this as you would soon get to know once you have one in your home garden.

You need to have some basic knowledge about the indoor cactus plantation and then you are good to go. Let me take you through these very simple factors.

1. Soil Mixture

The ideal potting mix for a cactus flowering plant should have somewhat sandy, that is, should possess the capability to drain excess water quickly. The preparation for the soil of the flowering cactus should begin with the addition of silica to it, commonly known as perlite (a non-organic mixture for aerating the soil).

Alternatively, you can use vermiculite which is a similar additive to facilitate soil aeration. You can also add some dried-up plant bark to implement a good soil texture.

Remember, re-potting of the cactus flowering plant is very important and you need to do it in around 3 years of time span.

2. Sunlight

Giving proper lighting to your flowering cactus is one of the key factors in its growth and flowering. The plant benefits more from intense sunlight during the winter.

Some of the cacti plants cannot bear direct sunlight and need to keep in a bright place where they would only get indirect sunlight. This is because direct light may burn the plant of tissue that is not yet hard.

3. Water Requirement

Watering your cactus flowering plant is a bit of an intellectual process and you need to abide by some of the vital parameters. The plant does not require much water but at the same time, you cannot choose to keep its soil dry as it is sure to wilt then.

For the spring season, when you are expecting it to bloom flowers, you need to water it whenever you find the soil drying out. Give a good amount of water to the plant but make sure you do not over-water which might cause it to die.

The cactus flowering plant is very prone to root rotting and overwatering will surely kill its roots.

You might be wondering when a flower dies on a cactus can you plant the flower? Yes, you surely can. In this case, if you observe that the root has rotten to a greater extent, cut its unaffected part and propagate it to grow a new plant from the cuttings rather than making vague efforts to save it.

For the summer season, you need to water it at least once a week to ensure that the buds are grown fully, and in the case of some species, they have chances of flowering in the summer too.

The winter season demands almost no water and you should only water the flowering succulents if you observe it wrinkling. Try to keep it dormant during this phase.

4. Temperature & Moisture

Favorable conditions for the cactus flowering plant are very much preferable to keep it active in its growth phase. The plant cannot withstand temperatures which are below 40 F and the ideal temperature ranges somewhat between 55ºF – 90ºF.

For winter, you need to ensure that the cacti plant is kept at a minimum of 50 to ensure the plant does not die out of frost.

5. Fertilizers and Pests

Adding fertilizers to your soil will add to its fertility ensuring better plant growth. However, the species of flowering cacti do not require much of it as they are prone to the worst weather conditions having their hometown in the deserts.

However, for faster growth, you can try using some organic fertilizers or you can also check out some cactus-specific fertilizers available at reasonable prices in the marketplace. Remember not to use fertilizers too much during its growing phase.

The cactus flower plant is prone to some fungal diseases and is often attacked by mealybugs, scales, and spider mites. You can add some pesticides and insecticidal sprays into your planting routine.

What is the nickname of a flowering cactus?

The cactus flowering plant has been nicknamed the ‘Fireworks of the Mother Nature’. For getting the significance of this name, you need to be observant and know the right time for the plant to bloom.

Once you hold sight of the cacti blooming, I am sure, next time you are also going to use this nickname.

The plant literally burst out its beauty with every bloom. If you see them through your camera lens, they will look as if fireworks during some festival in the night sky. 

10 Flowering Cactus – For your home garden

The world of flowering cacti provides you with a varied range of plants to choose from and it, therefore, becomes a bit tricky to choose the best flowering cacti for your home garden. No more worries now, I am here to help you out.

Here you go with a list of the top 10 surveyed flowering cactus names which are best suited for indoor plantation.

1. Christmas Cactus

christmas cactus

The Christmas Cactus flower plant blooms extraordinary crimson red delights and it usually flourishes in cold weather conditions.

They need to be kept in a bright and sunny place and can live up to 30 years long. One amazing feature about this plant is that they require sleep and need to keep in a dark place at night.

2. Fairy Castle Cactus

This is a cactus with flowers on the top of the stem. The succulent takes a longer duration to flourish and the blooms have a bright yellowish texture and are small in size. The stems of the cactus flowering plant look like a castle’s tower.

3. Chin Cactus

Chin cactus

The Chin cactus is also known as Gymnocalycium and it blooms faded red blossoms and is somewhat likely to the Easter cactus do not have spines on the flower buds.

4. Star Cactus

Start Cactus Flower

This cactus plant has a unique shape for which it is also known as the sea urchin cactus. The flowers are mainly yellow in color, although the intensity of the pigmentation varies sometimes.

5. Ferocactus

Ferocactus flower

This cactus blooms small flowers which have an orange complexion and have a smooth interior lining. The flowers are usually hidden behind the spines.

6. Rebutia

Rebutia cactus flower

This flowering cactus is usually smaller in size and best suited for potting. You can use decorative cactus plant pot flower containers for this purpose. They produce flowers with a mixed tinge of red and orange, mostly red on the outer lining.

7. Mammillaria

Mammillaria cactus flower

This is quite a big flowering cactus with a height of nearly 60 cm. The pink flowers of the cactus plant with a combination of white make it an absolute beauty.

8. Gymnocalycium

Gymnocalycium cactus flower

The Gymnocalycium is actually called Gymnocalycium quehlianum. They possess a compact structure and grow up to a height of 18 cm. The flowers of this plant are a real ecstasy with the purple shades within the white floral curvature.

9. Opuntia

Opuntia cactus blossom

This flowering of prickly pear cactus or Opuntia is usually in a strange fashion with pads projecting in every direction. The wide flowers are then produced from these expanded pads for a period of one month. They bloom in a variety of colors which include yellow, pink, orange, red, etc.

10. Haworthia

zebra haworthia

Haworthia or the zebra cactus plant flower when they are grown outdoors and the blossoms are white or pink in shade. The flowers are very small in size and grow on the tall stems of the cactus plant.

You can also check out some flowering cacti for sale at the best online flowering store.

Cactus flowering plant is always evergreen

The cactus flowering plant can grow in almost all kinds of weather conditions but with appropriate care and nurturing you can ensure a fantastic exhibition of the blossoms during the flowering period.

The plant has a unique capability to store water in its stems and therefore as instructed you need to give special attention to its watering routine and make sure you do not overwater.

The cactus flowering plant flowers only after its maturity but on occasion, it might happen that it will not flower even after attaining maturity. You need to take some extra care of it then recheck its nourishment routine and follow a controlled planting procedure for making its flower.

Bonus Tip – It might be confusing for you to decide on which cactus flowering plant to buy to ensure that it will bloom. For ease of selection, you can opt for a cactus with flowers already blooming on them.