10 Best Tall Indoor Plants for Homes & Offices and its Benefits

Indoor plants are usually short in height. But do you hold a fascination towards tall houseplant? You will be amazed to know about the best tall indoor plants for low light.

The intensity of sunlight is quite low inside the house and often your houseplants have to grow in low lights. In such circumstances, gardeners often search for the best tall indoor plants for low light.

This article will deal with all the essential knowledge surrounding the best tall indoor plants for low light.

What is the best tall indoor plant?

Many of us have the perception that without a lot of sunlight, plants would die, but some houseplants are there which can do well in low light & shades.

Worried thinking if they would grow to the fullest? Well, if you choose a plant from the category of the best tall indoor plants for low light, your indoor plant is sure to grow well.

Here goes a list of the top 5 tall indoor plants for low light.

Sago Palm  [Check-price]

tall indoor plants, Palm tree


Dragon Tree  [Check-price]

tall indoor plants- Dragon fruit tree


Corn Plant  [Check-price]


Umbrella Tree  [Check-price]

tall indoor plants- umbrella tree


Fiddle-leaf fig  [Check-price]


What is the hardest indoor plant to kill?

Why would anyone want to kill a plant? I know this isn’t what you meant, but if you want to know about houseplants which can survive in the worst conditions even, I can help.

Let me list out some of the best indoor plants that are hardest to kill.

Do not put plants in your bedroom?

Should it not be – why not put a plant in your bedroom? That sounds more appropriate as I must say you there is absolutely no fear in putting up your houseplant near your bed.

If you own succulents like the Jade plant, I will advise you to keep it inside your room since they help to purify the air around you.

Can indoor plants in your room kill you?

Quite a shocking question, but sometimes people have an intuition that plant inside a room can breathe out all the oxygen while respiring at night & release lots of carbon-dioxide causing to kill.

Trust me, this is never the case. Plants although use  for respiration while releasing , but in the overall process, the oxygen released is way more than the amount used.

Which indoor plant gives oxygen 24 hours?

This is quite high on-demand when it comes to gardening. Health-conscious people know the benefits of having such plants around maybe inside or outside the house.

Plants like the Peepul, Gerbera, Orchids, Neem, etc, can produce oxygen through-out the day. You can choose one of them for your garden too.

Oxygen by Succulents Plant- The quantity produced

Well, it is fair to say that among the plants that produce oxygen, these are the plants that give off the most oxygen. Like any other plant, succulents produce oxygen during the process of photosynthesis.

But how much oxygen do succulents produce? The perfect answer to this will be that with the growth of every 150 grams of plant tissue, approximately 32 grams of oxygen is produced would be.

At Night – Do succulents produce oxygen?

There are only a few species of plants that produce oxygen at night like orchids, succulents, and epiphytic bromeliads. During night time, the level of carbon dioxide in the air is usually higher since most plants releases CO2.

Succulents are one of those specially abled plants that produce oxygen at night. These oxygen emitting plants serve as a great source of fresh air during the night.

So, your query about do succulents produce a lot of oxygen has a perfect answer now. Succulents are among those plants that give oxygen 24 hours.

Air purification by succulents, cactus, and indoor plants

You may have a thought like do succulents clean the air or are succulents good for air? Yes, absolutely they are. Succulents cleanse the air and help to create a purer environment around them.

The likes of Aloe Vera, Boston fern, Spider plant, etc. are some succulents that are known to clean the air from its impurities and toxins.

Impurities in the air

Thinking about what can these impurities actually be? If you think that your indoors are safe from any pollutants, then you might be wrong. There are numerous pollutants and toxins in the air that may go unnoticed.

  • Chemicals of cleaning supplies
  • Air spray
  • Mosquito and insect repellents
  • The odor of paints and varnishes
  • Smoke
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)


The indoor plants are always fascinating, be it for their color or appearance or the calmness that it beholds. Some of them can also be kept inside your bedroom as they act as a great purifier for the air around you.

Since you have been looking for the best indoor plants for low light, we have researched and explored the part for you. All you need to do is now go and get your floral friend home.

Happy gardening!