2024 Guide: Simple Water Propagation Techniques for Succulents

Propagating succulents in soils and conditions in which most different plants won’t consider sinking into. Propagating succulents in water is a fun and economical approach to grow in your garden.

Also, there are a few different ways to do it, and an ever-increasing number of individuals have endeavored to do it in water.

They state it’s an increasingly simpler, and remunerating approach to increase your propagating succulent in water with different techniques.

Propagating succulents in water is utilizing water as a medium to root succulent cuttings. This may conflict with regular contemplating succulents.

The basic information about propagating succulent plants is they don’t care to sit in water and sitting in water advances root decay. So water spread may contradict what we have come to accept about caring for propagating succulents.

Why choose water propagation?

propagating succulents in water

1. Low Maintenance

When you set propagating succulents in water and into a radiant spot, you can essentially ignore it for half a month while the succulent does its thing. Probably, you’ll have to check in sometimes to ensure the water hasn’t evaporated excessively.

2. Check Results at Real-time

At the point when you plant a cutting legitimately into the soil, you don’t get the opportunity to watch the roots develop.

What’s more, hauling the plant out of the soil to check whether it has any roots each week or two can be troublesome for the plant experiencing that procedure.

But, while propagating succulents in the water you can watch out for it at all times, the first sprout to the succulent growing roots from the stem.

3. It’s Awesome

In case you’re searching for a cool better approach to show your succulent’s water propagation in a jar.

Go to your neighborhood second-hand shop and get a lot of glass bumps in every single diverse shape and size.

At that point take cuttings of a portion of your most loved succulents and set up them all on a bright windowsill. When their underlying foundations get moving you’ll be in plant parent paradise!

Can You Root Succulents in Water?

Yes, succulents can be rooted in water.

Propagation of succulents using water is one of the easiest and full proof methods for multiplying succulents

succulent propagation by stems

Below are the brief steps to achieve so.

  • Permit succulent cutting ends too hard. This takes a couple of days to a week and keeps the cutting from taking up an excess of water and decay.
  • Use refined water or rainwater. You can utilize tap water, and let it sit for 48 hours so the salts and synthetic compounds can evaporate.
  • Fluoride is particularly unsafe for youthful cuttings, going through the plant in the water and settling on leaf edges. This makes the leaf edges brown, which spreads if you keep on giving the plant fluoridated water.
  • Keep the water level just underneath the plant’s stem. At the point when you’re prepared to root the calloused cutting, let it float simply over the water, not contacting. This makes stimulation urges roots to create. Have patience, for half a month, until a root framework develops.
  • Place under a developed light or a splendid light circumstance outside. Keep the succulent cuttings in the water out of direct daylight.

Can you grow succulents in water permanently?

If you like the vibes of propagating succulents in water jars, you can keep it there. Change the water varying.

A few planters have said propagating succulents in water routinely with great outcomes. Others leave the stem in the water and let succulent roots, although this is not recommended.

Propagating succulents

A few sources state the roots that develop in water are not quite the same as those that develop in soil.

Rooting succulents in water and then moving it to the soil, remember this. Another arrangement of soil roots will take time to develop.


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Propagate in Water

Propagating succulents

Propagating succulents in water is utilizing water as a medium to root succulent cuttings. This may conflict with regular considering succulents.

The regular information about succulent plants is they don’t care to sit in water and sitting in water advances root decay. So, water propagation may negate what we have come to accept about caring for and propagating succulents.

Propagating succulents in water is as easy as the traditional propagation process. The main principle contrast is that instead of utilizing soil to propagate, we use water.

Few people discover Propagating succulents in water simpler than the more ‘regular’ techniques for establishing on soil or dry medium.

Propagating succulent cuttings by the water technique since they see quicker outcomes and greater success generally.

Even though there’s a possibility that a few cuttings may not root, yet following the guidelines below will build your opportunity to successfully propagating succulents in water.

Water propagating stems cuttings

Propagating succulents in water

Propagating succulents from the stem in water is a fun and simple approach to aggregate your succulent assortment or reuse decorative cuttings after an occasion or gathering.

Although there’s a possibility that a few cuttings may not root, however adhering to the directions underneath will build your opportunity for success.


Utilize sharp, clean scissors to delicately clip around 2 to 4 inches of cutting within any event 1-2 leaves from a solid bit of the stem, and at that point deliberately cut ¼ inches just beneath the hub.

You can expel some bottom leaves to additionally uncover the stem. It is critical to leave your cuttings on an empty tray in a sufficiently bright spot for at least 2-3 days or just until a callus form.

Choose a vessel

Utilizing a glass container or any clear container for propagating your cuttings in water is energetically suggested, as this won’t just permit you to observe each progress that your plant makes yet in addition to the daylight to have the option to get go through the container.


When the cutting callus is over, fill the container with water and put it in the container. Some decide to lower it in the water yet we favor the leaves and stem remaining dry to avoid any chance of spoiling.

If the succulent cutting is excessively little, we recommend that you spread the container with plastic wrap and poke a gap in it so you’ll have the option to stick the stem through it.

Doing so won’t just permit your slicing to adjust on the edge of the container yet, in addition, will help guarantee that the base of the stem contacts the water.

Post-setting your succulent cutting in the water, place the container in a bright zone, and stand by quietly until new roots appear.

Grow Period

Ordinarily, it can take from 2-6 weeks for roots to grow, contingent upon your atmosphere and condition. To forestall delays, you must check the container now and again to ensure that the water doesn’t evaporate.

Water propagating with leaves

Water propagating with leaves

Even though propagating succulent leaves take longer contrasted with stem cuttings, this strategy has a higher possibility of success to propagate succulent.

Besides, one will have the option to observe how little leaves begin to develop and root at the base of a solitary leaf.


Delicately grasp a plump, healthy leaf between your thumb and index finger (base leaves are firmly suggested), at that point move it from side to side. If the leaf can propagate succulents, it will get segregated from the stem with a slight snap.

After choosing a healthy leaf to propagate succulents, lay them on an empty plate for quite a while to callus over. This typically takes at least 5-7 days or just until infant roots form to take up water.

Choose a vessel

Pick a glass vessel relying on the size of the leaf that you’ll propagate. You may either utilize a limited neck bottle loaded up with water or cover a container of water with plastic wrap and slice cuts to insert and hold your leaf tips into the water.


When your leaves callus is over, it is ready to place it in the vessel you have arranged. Fill the container with water and afterward utilize the food wrapper to fold over the jug top. Poke openings on the plastic wrapper and put the leaves in.

Release the bent side level down. Try not to let the leaves contact the water. Keep it around 1/2-1 inch away from the water surface at that point place it in a window close to splendid separated daylight.

Grow Period

The development cycle may take 2-6 weeks to begin. It is highly prescribed to check your leaves from time to time to keep the water from drying out.

You may likewise need to change the water if it gets excessively dull or dark brown to perceive how the roots form. Doing this will likewise expand the opportunities for the plant to develop into a solid and healthy one.

Additionally, you can know more about propagating succulents from leaves and stems here.

How to transplant your succulent?

If you need to move or transplant succulent cuttings from water to soil, it’s strongly prescribed to hold up until the cutting is at least an inch-long root or the mother leaf has begun to dry out. At that point permit it to air-dry on a paper towel for about a day or two.

Remember that water roots are exceptionally delicate contrasted with soil roots, so handle them with care and to gradually launch them with soil.

When the roots have dried out, delicately tunnel your succulent into an unfertilized cactus soil and put it in a zone where they can just get splendid and indirect light. Since your succulents are as yet delicate during this point, giving them direct daylight is not suggested.

From here, it is fitting to give your succulent a standard watering plan. A decent splash once every 2 weeks would do.

Best succulents for water propagation

Only one out of every odd sort is successful in propagating succulents in water. What you should search for is in a perfect world an individual from the Sempervivum or Echeveria genera of the Crassulaceae family.

The explanation to suggest these species is that they structure wonderful rosettes in an assortment of colors, and can easily propagate from leaf cuttings or stems.

This permits you to have a lot of plants from a solitary succulent, along these lines making it simple to attempt again if you don’t prevail with regards to adjusting them to develop in water from the first go.

The best among the Sempervivum or Echeveria genera of the Crassulaceae family for propagating succulents in water are:

1. Echeveria Runyonii

This succulent develops quickly and arrives at 10 cm in height and width. It’s truly reasonable for propagating succulents in water through leaf cuttings and like most echeverias – an extremely tough plant.

2. Echeveria Agavoides Romeo

The plant is best for shading. As the entirety of the rosette-shaping succulents, you need to be alert not to wet the leaves as that may cause decay.

3. Hen and Chicks

This one is so natural to increase it really has the danger of overpowering the compartment you put it into.

In any case, because of the idea of propagating succulents in water, you will be safe on that point. What you will have however are numerous offsets to try different things with.

4. Sempervivum Tectorum

This one is normally utilized as the ground spread, however, whenever left to develop can create a somewhat tall tail for a succulent.

Check out the 15 best low-light succulents here.

How Succulents Survive in Water?

The conviction that water causes the spoiling in succulents stems from the possibility that propagating succulents in water would decay.

In any case, actually, water alone doesn’t cause decay. What causes root spoiling are the pathogens that live in wet soil.

Whenever absorbed water, succulents don’t really decay or die as long they are not presented with components that cause spoiling.

Secrets for a successful water propagation

Follow these few steps for successful succulent propagation in water.

Step 1: 

Neatly expel a few healthy leaves from the absolute bottom you can from a succulent. You would prefer not to crush your entire plant and just randomly pull leaves from the highest point of the middle as this can for all time harm your plant.

Step 2: 

This progression is significant and is regularly disregarded and can attempt your endeavor at water propagation. Permit your leaves to callous over for a few days.

Step 3:  

A healthy leaf won’t kick the bucket without a water source rapidly, and if your leaf withers in a couple of days, it would not have been a legitimate propagator in the first place.

Step 4: 

Depending upon the size of the leaf, you can either set it in a tight-neck bottle loaded up with water or cover a container of water with plastic wrap and slice cuts to embed and hold your leaf tips into the water.

Step 5: 

Make sure to set your jug or container on a window ledge or close to splendid light. You don’t need direct daylight to pillar down on your propagating succulent leaves and consume them.

Step 6:

Keep an eye on your leaves occasionally. You will need to change out the water about once per week.

Step 7: 

Simply leave the leaves in the plastic wrap, so as not to upset the developing roots or potentially a child succulent. They tenderly lift off of the container to change out the water and afterward replace the plastic cover with leaves.

Step 8: 

A few leaves will neglect to create and die. A few leaves will just develop roots and no plant. The leaves that do develop roots and a plant will eventually wither up. The leaf can be delicately evacuated and the plant can be planted in soil.

Read more on how to care for succulents here.