Top Low Light Indoor Plants for Homes and Offices in 2025

Indoor plants ought to be a fundamental segment of each interior design. Similarly, low light indoor plants light up indoor spaces and are known to have mindset boosting characteristics.

Indoor plants are famous because they are moderately simple to deal with.

Low light indoor plants could be solid matches for areas where light is increasingly diminished. They give medical advantages and can be utilized in an assortment of indoor-style topics.

Low light indoor plants are extraordinary for spots in a room that need contacts of green. However, it probably won’t have enough direct daylight for most plants to endure.

The number of light plants needs depends on the plants you are developing, so it recommends researching the particular plants you are growing.

Several plants will develop indoors – many being little or medium in size. The quantity of taller plants is to some degree constrained, although there are some out there that do well inside.

10 Best Low Light Indoor Plants

Believe it’s hard to develop anything in low-light rooms? The low light plants recorded here might be the ideal arrangement.

1. Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae)

low light indoor plants

Bromeliads are tropical plants that generally accompany lively flies of shading. Their one-of-a-kind look and tropical feel settle on them atop low light indoor plants.

Bromeliads look best on racks, on tabletops or even on the floor, contingent upon the species. Most bromeliad species incline toward brilliant aberrant daylight instead of direct light. Indirect sunlight implies that the sun isn’t straightforwardly hitting the plant.

Stretched out presentation to full sun can harm a bromeliad’s leaves. It’s ideal to keep it close, yet not straightforwardly before, a window. They can likewise blossom with fluorescent lighting if common light isn’t accessible. Bromeliads plants are safe for cats and pets.

2. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen plants are anything but difficult to develop and are among the numerous low-light indoor plants that needn’t bother with daylight. More seasoned Chinese evergreen produces flowers that seem to be like calla lilies.

Chinese evergreen is minimal enough for work area, tabletop, and rack stylistic layout. These plants likewise made it to NASA’s rundown of air-separating low-light houseplants. Therefore, Chinese evergreen plants are both simple to think about and sound decisions for your home!

The Chinese evergreen’s particular sun needs to rely upon the shades of its leaves. Chinese evergreen ought to be put in indirect sunlight to keep away from singed leaves.

3. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

Cast Iron Plant, best low light indoor plants

The cast iron plant is generally alluded to as the iron plant in light of its strong nature. Its rich green leaves are ideal for highlighting any edges of the room that need a characteristic touch.

Cast irons are low light houseplants that can endure anyplace in your home. The main necessity is to get them far from direct daylight to shield their leaves from getting seared or turning darker.

If you need to give your cast iron plant some additional consideration, wipe down its leaves once per week with a clammy material to keep the residue off. Clean leaves permit it to all the more effectively take in the sun and the entirety of its supplements.

4. Dracaena (Dracaena)

Dracaena, best low light indoor plants

The dracaena is a true low-light houseplant that is anything but difficult to think about in your home. This plant comes in numerous assortments and looks extraordinary on racks, tabletops, and as a floor stylistic theme.

Dracaenas develop best in splendid, backhanded light, yet can make due in low and medium light if necessary. Dracaena’s are likewise among low light indoor plants that purify the air that can sift through the poisons in your home.

5. Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia)

Dumb Cane, best low light indoor plants

Dumb canes are lovely plants that are ordinarily found decorating two homes and office spaces. They are called imbecilic sticks since all pieces of the plant are poisonous. Consequently, this plant ought to avoided by pets and kids.

Dumb canes can flourish among low and high sifted light contingent upon the species. Most species can make due to low separated light. However, may not keep on developing relying upon the assortment.

6. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy is a wonderful climbing plant that can transform any dreary divider into a new masterpiece. Ivy is likewise incredible on trellises, walls, and different spots that permit its vines to develop. The vines do take two or three years to develop in case you’re developing from seed.

English ivy favors splendid unusual light. However, can endure low light. The lighter this ivy gets, the more excellent shading will appear through its leaves. In any case, direct light can prompt its death.

7. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

Maidenhair greeneries are exquisite plants that raise in any room, but at the same time are anything but difficult to kill. They like indirect sunlight and are effortlessly influenced by direct daylight.

Maidenhair plants additionally lean toward high moistness and don’t care for dry soil, so they should be sodden. However, not excessively watered to keep away from root decay. These plants additionally lean toward refined water over hard water.

8. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Parlor palms are lavish plants that are incredible for your lounge area or front room. Owning a parlor palm in Victorian time meant a family’s riches. The parlor palm despite everything carries a complex vibe to any room it possesses.

Parlor palms are types of plants that grow in the dark. However, develop the best in medium light. They likewise lean toward shadier zones rather than splendid regions. Parlor palms can even flourish with counterfeit light if necessary.

9. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant, best low light indoor plants

Snake plants are otherwise called relative tongue. They are unmistakably tall plants and sufficiently strong to withstand the most absent-minded plant parent. Snake plants can hold up their solid look even with half a month of disregard.

Snake plants can endure a wide scope of light conditions, however, favor backhanded light. They effectively spoil, so it’s essential to let their dirt dry between waterings.

10. Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants have long and thin foliage that curves out from their foundations. Its leave looks like the legs of an insect. Spider plants are safe for pet cats.

These plants can create little white blossoms when thought about accurately growing spiderettes, or infant Spider plants that can re-potted to develop more bug plants.

Spider plants incline toward brilliant, indirect sunlight and can flourish absent a lot of normal light. Watering with refined or rainwater can help deter browning and keep your plant pleasant and green.

Best kind of Indoor plants fertilizers to use

Go to a nursery place and search for compost with an “indoor plant” on the label. You will utilize less manure for plants inside versus outside, so guarantee you utilize the rate indicated for indoor plants.

In case you’re getting compost for sprouting plants, search for fertilizers used for indoor plants which one you should pick, it’s fine to utilize compost for houseplants.

Tips to get rid of bugs on indoor plants?

Bugs on your low light indoor plants can be truly irritating! When you spot a bug. Go to a nursery place and buy an insecticidal cleanser, which for the most part is contained in a shower bottle.

At the point when you notice bugs, shower the whole plant – the undersides and highest points of the leaves just as the stem. Next, hold up around about fourteen days and rehash the splashing.

You will need to shower multiple times because the cleanser won’t dispense with eggs, which could produce. You can likewise utilize a moist paper towel to remove a pest.

Toxic and Non-Toxic plants

It is essential to recognize what you have in and around your home on the off chance that you have small kids. If you are uncertain of a plant, take an example to your nearby nursery place or garden center for distinguishing proof.

Toxic plants contain a wide assortment of toxins and side effects may differ from a gentle stomach hurt, skin rash, growing of the mouth and throat to the contribution of the heart, kidneys, or different organs.

Whereas, Non-toxic plants are considered non-harmful (safe, not poisonous). Side effects from eating these plants are far-fetched.

Signs to know when to water your indoor plants

Check these conditions before you water your low-light indoor plants.

Soil test – This test will draw out soil, which will assist you with seeing how dry the dirt is beneath the surface.

Dampness meter – This apparatus lets you know, on a scale, how dry soil is.

Lifting the plant up – Heaviness means the plant has enough water, however, gentility implies the plant is dry.

Shrinking – Wilting ordinarily happens because the plant isn’t getting adequate water. Lift the plant to check whether it is light in weight or if it’s substantial.

Tipping – If the leaf edges start searing and are fresh to the touch, the plant needs water. If the leaf edges are getting darker yet feel soft, the plant has likely gotten a lot of water.

Yellow leaves – Yellow leaves may likewise imply that a plant has excessively or too little water, yet this isn’t generally the situation.

Pros and Cons of low light indoor plants


They assist you to sleep better

As per examines by NASA houseplants do not just produce extra oxygen for your room. As anybody with rest apnea will bear witness to, more oxygen around evening time is greatly improved for a decent night’s rest.

They add additional calmness to your stylistic theme

Probably the best thing about plants around the house is that they include a charming dash of regular greenery.

They help moistness levels

Their capacity to improve air quality, plants additionally act go as a characteristic dehumidifier. This is particularly valuable on the off chance that you live in a home inclined to moist and shape.


They can be untidy

Live plants, obviously, need soil and ordinary watering to flourish. This can now and then lead to the mess if the pot disturbed or water spills.

Plants aren’t in every case useful for pets

If you have cats and dogs around the house, be particularly cautious about what plants you pick. A few assortments of low-light houseplants are not safe for pets like azalea, cyclamen, and kalanchoe.

The indoor condition can harm your plants

While houseplants are anything but difficult to develop inside, some of the time our homes can cause them issues. This is particularly regular in the winter where focal warming, an absence of natural air or cold drafts can be upsetting for your plants.

Common reasons due to which low light plants die

Probably the most widely recognized reasons plants die are:

  1. Overwatering or underwatering
  2. Light Levels (either insufficient light or an excess of light)
  3. Disregard

Basic roles of indoor plants in human well being and comfort

Humans have a cozy relationship with nature, thus incorporating the natural world into indoor space could adequately build an individual’s commitment to nature.

Since individuals invest 80-90% of their energy inside, the indoor condition is significant for their health. Indoor plants are a piece of the common indoor condition. However, their impact on the indoor condition and people has not been evaluated.

Plants are normally used to diminish disturbance contamination along roadways and interstates. Utilizing a similar idea, indoor plants in the working environment change room acoustics by lessening resonate time.

Current places of business, with dominant fixed air, can contain up to multiple times a bigger number of poisons than the air outside. Normal poisonous offenders are found in the workplace.

Low light indoor plants in the workplace improve air quality by removing destructive toxins. Various investigations have been directed that demonstrate indoor plants can decrease feelings of anxiety in workplaces.